
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Letter to my Daughter

My Sweet Olivia,

I am so thankful that God chose me out of all the women in this world to bless me as your Mommy.  You are an answer to my prayers, and the fulfillment of many dreams.  I have so many hopes and dreams for you as well, my little love, but most of all, I pray that you will someday make Jesus your treasure.

This silly world will try to tell you that you're always a winner, and that you should just look inside yourself, and see how amazing you are, just by being yourself.  The reality is, we are broken, sinful people.  Even our best efforts at being "good", God sees as filthy, futile attempts at reaching His standards of righteousness.  Your only hope (and Mommy's and Daddy's too!) at attaining that righteous standard, precious girl, - is accepting the mercy and grace of Jesus, so that God will see you through His perfect righteousness.  He rescued you - saved you from God's wrath by paying the price that God required for our sinful rebellion against Him.  I pray that one day, He will awaken your heart to this truth, and you will follow after Him with everything you are!

I love watching you grow, and learn new things (like how to smell flowers!).  Childhood is such a wonderful, short time, and as you get older, you will understand that these precious moments will have a profound impact on your grown-up years.  I am so excited to have the role of your primary teacher, and I want you to grow up with a love of learning!

If I have done my job well, you will learn that sometimes things will make you happy . . .

And sometimes things will make you sad, but both are necessary parts of learning.  Life will not always go your way, and you will learn to work through disappointments big and small.  Even in those times, my sweet girl, remember that God is good, and His plans for you are perfect.  You will not always understand, and most times, those situations will not make any sense at all.  Trust that His purposes for you are loving, and He is wise!

I want you to know - even though Daddy and I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world, you will sometimes feel otherwise.  Know that you are lovely, because God - the Creator of all things, said you are lovely!  He is an all-wise, all-loving, good Creator.  And He made you, body and personality and all - exactly the way He wanted you to be.  There is so much freedom, and rejoicing in really believing that truth, my love!  So, when you someday have acne, or crooked teeth, or you don't match the airbrushed girl you see on TV, or your clothes are boring compared to the latest trends, always remember this: you are lovely, because God says you are lovely!

I want you to know - while I hope you grow to love music, and maybe even ballet - while I dream of times of cooking together in the kitchen, or planting flowers in our garden . . . I have surrendered you completely to God's plans for your life.  Whatever He calls you to do, my honey bunny, do it with all your heart, soul, and strength!

He may call you to be a missionary, far away.  If that's the case, then go - and know that you have mine and Daddy's blessing.

He may call you to be a business woman, and live in a big city, with long hours, and lots of travel.  If that's the case, Daddy and I will stand behind you.

He may or may not call you to be a wife.  If He does, I pray that you will fashion your marriage to be a picture of Christ and the Church.  With God's help, I pray that Daddy and I will be a godly example for you to someday follow.

He may or may not call you to be a mother.  But if He should, oh my baby girl, I pray that you will lean on Him for grace and wisdom!

Nothing can compare to the experience of knowing that you are carrying another human being inside your own skin.  It is a profound sense of servanthood to offer your very body for the life of another!  When you feel those soft flutters in your tummy, and you know that God is fashioning another eternal soul within you, your heart will rejoice.

When you go through the labor and pain of bringing that beautiful baby into the world, you will taste just a little of the agony that Jesus went through to bring you into new life.

Nothing compares to hearing those hungry cries, or holding a tiny life close to you while you nourish them with your own milk.  What a magnificent, wonderful thing to be specially designed by God for such a thing!  It is something no man can ever experience.

If God calls you to be a mother, my precious child, I will someday rejoice with you.  Even if He doesn't - know that His plans for you are still good.  There is no mold you have to fit into.  You are a precious, beautiful, unique girl.  And God has astounding plans for your life that only you can fulfill.  I am so proud of you, my sweet baby girl, and I love you more than you will probably ever understand.  I am so privileged to be your Mommy, and I can't wait to watch you bloom.  No matter what your life should hold, you will always be my precious girl.

I love you,
Your Mommy

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