
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Spring!

It's that time of year when I start getting itchy to be outside!!  We've started off the season this year with a whopping temp of 24 degrees.  Just a bit different from last year's record highs in the upper 80's!  I'm okay with it though.  Although I am starting to get antsy for open windows, fresh air, and some GREEN stuff outside, I'd rather enjoy a gradual thaw and some mild weather before jumping headlong into Summer.  It's been awhile since I've written anything, so I thought I'd just do a big update in one fell swoop.

Nate:  My wonderful husband is busy as ever.  We found out last Fall that the company he works for will be consolidating all of his department (currently spread out all over the U.S.) into two locations.  For us, that means either transferring to Tulsa, OK - or finding employment elsewhere.  It was big news!  A little daunting, perhaps, but also a huge blessing.  Nate has chosen not to move our family to Tulsa, which means he'll begin actively seeking a job in the field he's always wanted to work in: financial planning (or something similar).  This also comes with the possibility of moving back East toward our family, or going further West to be in the mountains (a dream of ours!).  Exciting times, as we're waiting on God's will to be made clear in it all.

Also, with a move on the horizon, he's been working hard to get our house in top shape before we put it on the market.  We happen to have a mostly useless very finicky tankless water heater that he has poured many hours of blood, sweat, and tears into!  Once the weather starts getting milder, he'll start tackling projects outside too.

Amanda:  Most of you already know that we are expecting a new addition to our family!  Our son will arrive sometime late April/early May - so naturally I've been a busy Mama!  I've been incredibly blessed with this pregnancy.  I had more severe morning sickness than with Olivia, but really other than that it's been pretty easy!  I've been busy with preparations for the baby, but I'll save that for another post.  :)

I'm also still doing the paper route, although Nate usually helps out by delivering one day a week for me (it gives me a chance to sleep in one morning!), and he's also been great about helping out if I'm sick, or in snow storms, etc.  Have I mentioned how blessed I am by this guy?  ;)

Other than that, I still get to stay at home with Olivia, which is a joy and privilege for me.  My heart is definitely at home right now, and I am savoring (most days, ha!) these moments I have with her.

Olivia:  My big girl just turned TWO a little over a week ago!  She is growing so fast!  I love all the new things she's doing now - she loves to "help" me cook dinner, she can put her toys away all by herself (which she usually prefaces by announcing "BIG mess!  I kean it up!"  :)

She's also made the transition into her "big girl" bed!  We wanted to get that out of the way before the baby was born, and after about 6 weeks of sticking it out through interminable bedtime battles, it just "clicked."  She started sleeping without her pacifier at the same time, so it was a lot of changes for her!

She brings so much joy into our lives.  She's notorious for making us laugh when we're trying to be stern with her, and some of the phrases she comes up with are hilarious!

 She still loves to read, currently her favorites are "The Three Bears" and "Peter Rabbit."  She can almost recite these two whole . . . we'll often hear her upstairs in her bed rambling about "Uh oh!  Goldilocks broke the chair all to bits!  Great Big Papa bear big big voice . . . Peter Wabbit naughty naughty . . . "  etc.  It's very entertaining!

She also loves her baby dolls, Elmo, and her "bunny" - a stuffed animal that she received as a gift for her birthday last year.  Bunny goes everywhere with us, and sleeps with her every night.  He's very loved.  :)

Right now she's fond of announcing to anyone and everyone that "Mommy's tummy is bigger bigger!" Even though I don't think she completely understands it all yet . . . She's going to be a great big sister.

Aside from all that, we've been able to plug into a local church at long last.  We've been so blessed by the fellowship there, and how God is working through the church body!  We've been challenged, encouraged, and strengthened, and are so pleased to finally have a "home."

Whew!  Well, now that I've written a short novel, you're all caught up!  :)  To those of you who are on this journey alongside of me, I could not be more thankful to have you in my life!  I pray that we can continue to press on toward the goal together.

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.  Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you.   Only let us hold true to what we have attained."
Philippians 3:14-16

Grace and Peace,

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