
Friday, October 17, 2014

Our Newest Little Miracle

Many of you already know that we're expecting another sweet little love next Spring.  Today was a very special day in our family, because we actually got to SEE the baby for the first time via ultrasound!

Olivia got to go with us, and she has been looking forward to today for quite a while.  Although the concept of an ultrasound is a bit lost on a 3 1/2 year old.  ;)

Waiting ever so patiently in the waiting room . . . 

I think Olivia was expecting the baby to look, well, more like a baby, and not so skeleton-like, but she was impressed for the first few minutes anyway.  She very sweetly asked me, "Is the baby going to talk to us?"  

We've chosen not to find out the gender this time around (well, not yet anyway), and had the technician put it into a sealed envelope for just Daddy to satisfy his insatiable curiosity later.  In spite of that, Olivia very matter-of-factly informed the technician today that it was a girl baby, and she was going to have a sister.  I hope she's not disappointed.  ;)

Even though this is my third baby, the wonder of that first glimpse never ceases to amaze me.  The baby only weighs in at a mere 9 oz right now, and yet is intricately, miraculously formed.  He/she was extremely active during the entire ultrasound, which made it even more fun for us.  There was swallowing action, thumb sucking, and much to Olivia's delight, waving!

The past several weeks, I've been battling an irrational fear that something must not be quite right - I had only sensed very little movement thus far, and with my other two, they were already quite active by this point.  Also, up until this point, my doctor has had a difficult time getting a good strong heartbeat.  The ultrasound revealed today that the reason for all this was a frontal placenta (perfectly normal).  Meaning the placenta is placed (you guessed it!) front and center right now.  While it will most likely move upward as I progress throughout the pregnancy, for now it's doing a fantastic job of muffling movements, and heartbeats.  :)

This baby will keep me on my toes!  At one point, he/she s t r e t c h e d out as long as it possible could, which made us all laugh!  And also gave us a glimpse at some long legs!

We also got the cutest look at teensy little toesies.

I am so thankful that this baby is healthy and growing strong, and although I am only measuring at 19 weeks today (even though the calendar says I'm 20), I'm still hoping to meet our new bundle in late February.  We already love this baby so much, and the opportunity to peek inside the quiet, miraculous womb is just a thrill.

1 comment:

  1. It's been real, but now it's REALLY REAL!! I'm so excited . . . squealing, smiling, tearing up excited!!
